Heads of University Management & Administration Network in Europe

HUMANE Study Visit

Change and Stability: How Innovation works in Higher Education

Hosted by the University of Edinburgh (UK), November 27-29, 2024

As a world leading research-intensive institution, the University of Edinburgh is pioneering in developing new approaches to innovation. A powerful research and innovation strategy aligns with the University’s 2030 Strategy to address tomorrow’s greatest challenges. This focuses on strengthening relationships both locally and globally through four key areas: people, research, teaching and learning and civic responsibility.

  • Driving and supporting the entrepreneurship ecosystem (including data-driven entrepreneurship, enterprise services)
  • Unique collaborative relationships with industry
  • What does innovation mean in the context of the City Region Deal?
  • What does it take to embed changes in professional services to support Innovation (reimaging partnerships for innovation; new ways of working)?

This Study Visit will showcase multiple good practices, institutional examples and success stories.

The programme is available to view here. Save the date and register now to secure your place.

Staff from HUMANE Member Institutions and Residential School Alumni benefit from the members rate of €1,215. Non HUMANE Members will be charged €1,715. Non HUMANE Members may attend if they meet the following criteria: they are from a higher education institution that delivers degree programmes in at least two of the three Bologna cycles (BA, MA, doctorate). Non-member applications are subject to review before acceptance. The Secretariat will apply the correct rate.

The fee includes catering within the programme (coffee breaks, lunches on Thursday and Friday, dinner on Wednesday and Thursday). It does not include accommodation or travel.

For bookings made prior to the 2nd October 2025, the University of Edinburgh is offering delegates a special discounted rates at two of its hotels on the Pollock Estate in Edinburgh’s vibrant Southside.

This is a 15-minute walk from the city’s world-famous landmarks and the main Study Visit venues.  Evening dinners will be organised in or around these two hotels; transport to various Study Visit venues is easy from these hotels and/or will be organised for our group from these hotels as required.

Please note that the university rates include breakfast and are for a double room.

The Scott (www.thescott-edinburgh.com) is a beautiful boutique-style hotel within a stunning historic mansion house.

The Scott’s sister property, The Scholar (www.thescholar-edinburgh.com) is located right next door on the Pollock Estate and offers comfortable four-star accommodation with a more contemporary feel.

On registration participants will receive a confirmation email with a booking code which must be referenced to access the discounted rates when booking directly with your hotel of choice for the nights of 27 and 28 November. Full Practical Information can be seen: here