Heads of University Management & Administration Network in Europe

2024 HUMANE Events


Residential School Alumni Network – Interactive Webinar

Webinar, February 9, 12:00-13:30 CET

How can we attract talents for professional services in our universities?

Excellent research and education require dynamic academic environments supported by strong professional services.

To attract the very best people in our recruitment efforts and find the talents, skills and the competencies that we need in universities, our communication to potential talents must be enhanced.

All our institutions experience significant challenges in recruiting certain profiles and skills. What are the skills and competencies we most need from our people? How can we improve our recruitment processes to attract the skills, aptitudes and attitudes that we need? How can we retain talents in our sector?

 This event is free of charge and exclusively for Residential School Alumni.

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Bologna Professional Pathways Programme – Second Session

Hosted by the Università di Bologna, February 18-20

Developing the next generation of senior professional leaders

The HUMANE’s pathways programme for senior leadership development might just be the vehicle to help you make that next big step to become the most senior administrative professional in your university.

Our programme is designed to be an intensive, immersive learning experience where you will work in multi-disciplinary teams over a period of 10 months.

This is the second of two residential sessions. Use this link to join the mailing list for updates about the next edition.

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Barcelona Winter School

Hosted by UPF-BSM, Barcelona, March 17-22

(Barcelona School of Management – University Pompeu Fabra)

Leading change in strategy and policy – Internationalisation

HUMANE’s Barcelona Winter School is an intensive, peer learning experience, themed around achieving lasting changes in strategy and policy in internationalisation.

The programme is delivered by senior university leaders and experts, with participants working on institutional case studies in multidisciplinary teams. It is designed to enhance your leadership and change management skills, broaden your international professional networks and your personal impact.

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Spring Seminar

Hosted by the University of Groningen, April 11-12

New business models for universities: exploring Artificial Intelligence and Data Governance

Throughout their history, universities have always relied extensively on data to drive decisions and shape academic strategies. Today digital innovation offers many new ways to make data-driven decisions. These advancements have profound implications for data autonomy and they pose real risks to universities.

The seminar will explore the benefits and (legal) risks of analytics for teaching and learning and the use of artificial intelligence; both are transforming the educational sphere. Participants will gain a better understanding of these latest developments and associated challenges to shape the future of European higher education.

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Annual Conference

Hosted by the University of Amsterdam, June 12-14

The University of the future: People, values, organisation

Public trust in Higher Education is decreasing. Governments, the general public but also the private sector are doubting the capacity of universities to deliver. We are seen as self-centered, relying on public funding yet failing to demonstrate sufficient economic, social and societal impact.

As a sector we need to enhance our brand and value proposition to regain public confidence and be more future-proof. How can universities develop new business and operating models to be more agile and creative as organisations? How can we design more relevant and flexible educational pathways for (lifelong) learners and the labour market? How can we contribute to the fourth technology-driven Industrial Revolution through our research and innovation to drive change in society?

We need to attract, develop and retain high skilled people and talent to make profound changes in our universities, transforming education and research. We need to invest in capital infrastructure to build capability to address the challenges of our times. How can we do this?

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Berlin Summer School

Hosted by the Freie Universität Berlin, September 15-20

Change Management and Transformation in Universities

HUMANE’s Berlin Summer School is an intensive, peer learning experience, themed around transformation – designing it, delivering and making sure it sticks.

The programme is delivered by senior university leaders and experts, with participants working on institutional case studies in multidisciplinary teams. It is designed to be a highly experiential professional development experience, broaden your international professional networks and your personal impact.

Applications are now open!

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HUMANE Training Programme

Hosted by Leiden University, 30 September-2 October

Cultivating strong international strategic partnerships: Practising robust partnership evaluations

The programme will develop the management capacity of those involved in internationalisation, enhancing their skills to cultivate strong strategic international partnerships based on robust evaluation.

It will be structured around the following key components: 

  • Understanding the current drivers in international partnerships and different responses by institutions based on their different contexts 
  • Learning techniques, methods and practical tools to assess partnerships (working with value mapping, stakeholder register, power & influence methodology, KPIs) 
  • Reflecting and considering best approaches to evaluate your own partnerships in your institutions. 

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Study Visit

Hosted by the University of Edinburgh, November 27-29

Change and Stability: How Innovation works in Higher Education.

As a world leading research-intensive institution, the University of Edinburgh is pioneering in developing new approaches to innovation. A powerful research and innovation strategy aligns with the University’s 2030 Strategy to address tomorrow’s greatest challenges. This focuses on strengthening relationships both locally and globally through four key areas: people, research, teaching and learning and civic responsibility.

  • Driving and supporting the entrepreneurship ecosystem (including data-driven entrepreneurship, enterprise services)
  • Unique collaborative relationships with industry
  • What does innovation mean in the context of the City Region Deal?
  • What does it take to embed changes in professional services to support Innovation (reimaging partnerships for innovation; new ways of working)?

This Study Visit will showcase multiple good practices, institutional examples and success stories

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Webinar, December 5, 12:00-13:15 CET

Enhancing professional services through Artificial Intelligence

In a context of stagnant or decreasing public funding, Artifical Intelligence can offer new approaches for increased performance and profound transformations of professional services to deliver on strategic priorities and higher stakeholder value in universities. It can help to make operational productivity gains: staff workload reduction, streamline issue resolution and improve customer satisfaction. AI also has the potential to enable powerful data driven decisions and to elevate student experiences through personalisation.

But many digitalisation initiatives overpromise and underdeliver, very often because they are not sufficiently conceived with users in mind, from the initial steps of designing new approaches to the full implementation.

How can universities develop responsible and ethical approaches to introduce human-centered AI approaches in their daily operations; how is staff upskilling and reskilling currently done, and should be done in the future to support these development; what are the opportunities and the risks?

With experts and senior university leaders of professional services the webinar will discuss these issues and explore potential applications to leverage the potential of AI in the following areas:

  • Student admission and enrolment
  • Managing the smart campus and infrastructure in the 21st century
  • Recruiting and developing people (using GenAI and people analytics)
  • The benefits of AI in financial processes and services

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