Heads of University Management & Administration Network in Europe

HUMANE Annual Conference – Munich

Supporting and creating impactnew challenges, new opportunities for research and innovation management in European universities

Hosted by Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München

Note: all programme sessions will take place in room A 120 on the first floor of the main building of the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Geschwister-Scholl-Platz 1, 80539. 

Prominent signs will direct participants to the registration area and the conference venue. A cloakroom is available for us in room A 004.




Lead speaker


Day one, Friday June 14: supporting and creating impact: global trends in policy and practice



Registration at the Speerträger on the First Floor.  Refreshments available.



Welcome and introduction to the themes of the conference

Christoph Mülke, Vice President for Finance and Administration, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München



Assessing and supporting impact: research and innovation policy and funding trends 

Prof. Heikki Mannila, President of the Academy of Finland, the Finnish Research Council



Measuring social and economic impact: dead ends and new departures

Prof. Luc Soete, former Rector Magnificus of Maastricht University



Buffet lunch and networking – Room E 106




Smart data to assess the impact of publicly funded research

Robert-Jan Smits, Chairman of Eindhoven University of Technology’s Board and former Director General of Research and Innovation at the European Commission



The impact assessment wars in the UK and the Research Excellence Framework

David Sweeney, Executive Chairman of Research England



Coffee break and networking – Room E 106



Autonomy for researchers or for the institutions? Impact and excellence: a perspective from Sweden

Maria Thuveson, Director of Research Funding, Swedish Research Council



Facilitated panel session on communications, public engagement and public affairs



Escaping the echo chamber: public communications, community engagement and research and innovation impact

Julia Wandt, Director of Communications and Marketing, University of Konstanz and Director of the German Association of Communication Professionals in Higher Education



Close of day one.  Return to hotels 



Evening drinks reception for participants and speakers at the Seehaus Restaurant



HUMANE Annual Conference Dinner for participants and speakers at the Seehaus Restaurant in the Englischen Garten – Directions


Day two, Saturday June 15: the impact of impact on institutional research and innovation strategy and management



Research Impact: how to empower your University to deliver: the King’s experience

Prof. Reza Razavi, Vice President & Vice-Principal (Research), King’s College London and Director of Research at King’s Health Partners



The impact of impact on talent management strategy and practice 

Dr Korinna Strobel, Director of Strategy, Helmholtz Association, Berlin



Coffee break – Room E 106



Panel session: the impact of impact on data capture and management, systems and research management operations



The challenges posed by the assessment of impact for institutional research management operations

Using the stick and the carrot: how hard can it be to capture and measure societal and economic impact in a Research Information System?

Rankings as a driver of institutional strategy and behaviour: evidence from U-Multirank

Arnold Boon, Director of Administration, Aarhus University

Henrik S. Rasmussen, Director Open Platforms, Research Products, Elsevier

Gero FederkeilHead International Rankings, CHE Centre for Higher Education 



Closing plenary session



Buffet lunch and networking – Room E 106



After lunch, there will be short tour of LMU’s historic main building as well as a visit to the moving White Rose Memorial Exhibition , which commemorates the White Rose Student Resistance at LMU.  Following the tour, participants will befree to wander around Munich’s City Foundation Festival celebrating its 861st birthday and which takes places over the weekend of 15 and 16 June.



Saturday evening informal drinks reception and dinner at a traditional Bavarian beer garden and restaurant – Directions