Heads of University Management & Administration Network in Europe

Professional Pathways Programme

A HUMANE professional development programme for generalist administrators

Adapt or die: the power of the generalist in a

 changing HE landscape

Programme subject to marginal change

SUNDAY 24 February
19.00-21.00 Informal welcome and induction – paying bar on the ground floor,

Ten Hill Place Hotel

10 Hill Place



Short walking tour of the Royal Mile to Edinburgh Castle

MONDAY 25 February
09.00 Participants gather for coffee and networking Upper Hall, The Pleasance Courtyard

60 Pleasance

Edinburgh EH8 9TJ

09.15 Introduction to the programme: themes; format; and setting some personal objectives Gerry Webber
09.30 Welcome to the University and reflections on the role of the generalist in contemporary higher education Peter Mathieson

VC University of Edinburgh

The times they are a-changin’: megatrends driving change in higher education and beyond
09.50 Megatrend one:demography and consumers Alison Angus, Head of Lifestyles, Euromonitor International
10.30 Coffee break 
11.00 Megatrends two: global economics and the crisis of values Ingrid Bengtsson-Rijavec, Chief Financial Officer, Malmö University
11.40 Megatrends three:innovations in technology and their impact on consumer services Dave Kenworthy, Director of Digital Services, University of London
12.20 Lunch 
13.30 Seismic shifts in student expectations: so you think you know all about Gen Z and beyond, do you? Eleri Connick, Student President, University of Edinburgh
14.00 Facilitated panel discussion on megatrends and student expectations Gerry Webber and the panel of speakers
14.45 Coffee break 
15.15 Generalists’ career development action planning session one: opportunities and challenges arising from megatrends for generalists’ career planning, development and progression All participants

Group discussions, facilitated by Russell Ashworth, Executive Coach

16.30 Plenary session.  Pulling the threads together: reflections on day one and a look forward to day two Facilitated by Gerry Webber
17.00 Day one ends and participants depart for hotels


Drinks reception

Pathways dinner

St. Leonard’s Hall, 18 Holyrood Park Rd, Edinburgh EH16 5AY
TUESDAY 26 February
08.45 Arrival, networking and coffee Upper Hall, The Pleasance Courtyard, 60 Pleasance Edinburgh EH8 9TJ
Who do they think they are? 
09.00 Where do the Heads of our Professional Services come from? And what do they actually do?  A view from either side of the Channel Dave Hall, Registrar and Chief Operating Officer, University of Leicester

Stephan van Galen, Secretary-General, Rijksuniversiteit Groningen

09.40 Confessions of a headhunter: what do heads of institution and chairs of governing bodies reallylook for when recruiting heads of their professional services? Kate Hunter, Partner, Perrett Laver
10.10 Looking from the outside in: the trials, tribulations and joys of shifting sectors to become a University Secretary Sarah Smith, University Secretary, University of Edinburgh
10.40  Coffee break 
11.10 Senior staff selection: what to expect and how to prepare for it Riitta Silvennoinen

Chief Human Resources Officer, Aalto University

11.40 Generalists’ career development action planning session two: building on strengths and addressing weaknesses – small group discussions and individual work to finalise personal action plans All participants

Group discussions, facilitated by Russell Ashworth, Executive Coach

12.30 Final plenary session
12.40 Buffet lunch
13.30 Participants depart